Tom Malinowski elected Chair of Hunterdon County Democratic Committee


Yesterday’s 2024 Re-organization meeting of the Hunterdon County Democratic Committee brought to a close the ten-year tenure of Arlene Quinones-Perez as chairwoman. In dramatic, exciting and extremely promising news, HCDC committee-persons elected former CD-7 Congressman Tom Malinowski to head the Committee going forward.

We see Tom’s leadership at HCDC signaling positive change in two critical areas:

1.) a focus on getting more Democrats elected across the County at the municipal and State levels (including working to get a Democrat elected to the Tewksbury Township Committee for the first time in over 40 years),

and 2.) leading in the transformation of the State Democratic Party, working from the County Committee level down and up. This is the only way we can move toward a new era in how Garden State Democrats field and support candidates and engender the support of rank and file workers and voters across all 21 counties.

TDC meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month at 7PM unless otherwise noted.

Zion Lutheran Community Building, 3rd Floor, 18 Miller Ave., Oldwick, NJ